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Language Institute of Virginia

Occupational Spanish for the 21st Century


Language Institute of Virginia is a professional development company that was started in 2005 by educator Thea Paul.  Paul has thirty years of instructional experience and brings her expertise to the language community by teaching the following workshops and courses:


  • Practical Spanish for School Personnel. Participants learn vocabulary and grammar related to alphabet pronunciation, verb conjugations, class subjects, places found in a school, classroom commands, classroom objects, and more.

  • Practical Spanish for Social Workers. In addition to the content listed above, participants learn grammar and vocabulary and grammar related to family relations, survival needs, mental health, domestic violence, and more.

  • Practical Spanish for Healthcare Professionals. Participants learn vocabulary and grammar related to triage, parts of the body, degrees of pain, chronic disease, and other healthcare-related communications.


In addition to the aforementioned courses, Language Institute of Virginia offers school librarian training, literacy consulting, and education advocacy services.


For additional curriculum options, pricing, and scheduling of a class for your organization, Contact Us.

Medical Staff
Young Teacher
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